Our #RealBeauty series continues to shine the spotlight on another incredible woman here in our beautiful home of Victoria. Elea Plastino is the beauty and brains behind the bad ass jewelry line Covet + Keep. This line pushes the envelope. And, while our team is made up of kindhearted women, we all kind of admit... we each have a love affair with things that create a bit of a stir.
We've all been in situations where the words we WISH we could use, are just not appropriate. You know...we're talking about that inside voice that you sometimes wish could come out.
This jewelry line is designed to speak to you and help you smile to yourself through the moments that need it. It's like wearing a dirty secret out in public. With a full range of exceptional pieces that use braille to spell out phrases like "bitch please" and "shit just got real," the uniqueness of this line is unparalleled.
This line is for "the ladylike, the rebel, the heartbreaker, the lover, the path carver, the party crasher, the trendsetter. She loves her life, wears her confidence, and is unapologetically herself."
And we have to admit...that perhaps the real reason why our team loves it, is because if you have met her, you will know, that the above statement kinda describes our Carly to a tee.
Elea, tell us a little bit about yourself?
I find it hard to talk about myself so that’s a tough one! I’m 35, I’m the owner and designer of covet + keep jewelry, I’m a Pisces, and summer is my favourite season. Too much like a dating add? Haha!
How would you describe your lifestyle?
Busy. I aspire to do it all and take care of myself in the process, but it doesn’t always go that way. For the most part, I eat well and am on the go. I do love occasionally drinking wine and eating a charcuterie board for dinner though!
What are some real struggles you face daily as an entrepreneur?
Taking time for myself. I find it hard to turn off my brain at the end of the day. I have a few tricks that help (getting out and walking the dog etc), but part of being an entrepreneur is being on call. Good thing sleeping is one of my superpowers! I’ve always been a good sleeper.
How does the beauty industry play a role in your daily life?
I’m a pretty low maintenance girl, so probably not a huge role. That said, I do have a routine that I follow each day that involves cleansing and moisturizing and I do love getting dolled up for events as well as indulging in face masks or beautiful soaks in the tub. I love putting on the Wild Hill honey and myrrh face mask and pouring a bath with the Wild Hill coconut milk bath! It’s my favourite winter treat. Add a glass of wine and some Swinging Standards playing in the background and I am one happy, relaxed girl.
What makes you feel beautiful?
Feeling strong, feeling empowered, feeling like I know what I’m doing, like ‘I got this’.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Chill out, lady. You’ll get there. Just breathe, continue working hard, but worry less. Also - start accepting your body. Your body will never be younger than it is today. Enjoy it and feel good about it.
What are you most grateful for?
My community of family and friends. The strong women in my life. I call them my wolf pack. Those connections mean everything to me.
What are your absolute favourite top 3 beauty products?
1) Wild Hill Botanicals Honey and Myrrh Mask
2) Viva Organics Amaze Exfoliating Gel
3) 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Long Last Concealer
1. Honey Mask | 2. Amaze Gel | 3. Long Last Concealer