Vulva Care Is Self-Care!

Let's take a trip down memory lane to high school sex ed class, shall we? The vulva is not the vagina. The vagina is all the good stuff on the inside, and the vulva is all the good stuff on the outside, which includes the labia, clitoris, vaginal opening, and surrounding tissue. And while the vagina can clean itself (What?! More on that later!), the often overlooked vulva could use a little TLC. This got us to thinking - we make time to prioritize skincare routines for our faces, body care routines for our bodies, and hair care routines for our locks - it's time to normalize the well-deserving skin on our lady bits getting its own clean hygiene routine to thrive and stay healthy. Follow along for our vulva health guide to skincare ... down there.

Dry Skin Down There? Understanding Vulvar Dryness

Vulvar dryness happens when the skin on and around the vulva lacks proper moisture, leading to itching, redness, inflammation, discomfort, and increased sensitivity. It can be linked to contact dermatitis, a skin irritation caused by exposure to harsh ingredients found in soaps, laundry detergents, perfumes, and fabric softeners, but in most cases, it's naturally occurring. Vaginal dryness ensues when there is a shift in estrogen levels. Less estrogen means less naturally occurring vaginal moisture. This happens as you age and is a hallmark sign of menopause. While other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes decline over time, vaginal dryness tends to linger as it results from physical changes in the vagina -  atrophy of tissues which become thinner, less flexible, and drier due to estrogen loss. Fun times! 

itchy vulva menopause

Treating Vulvar Dryness  

Finding the perfect lubricant is the key to soothing that delicate, dry skin without the teeth-clenching sting. Until recently, most products in this market were heavily scented and full of synthetics, leading to potential irritation and just ... ouch. Enter: Glow Jar Beauty's Luxury Intimate Lubricant. It is meticulously formulated for women over 40 to support age-related changes in skin density and elasticity linked to hormonal shifts. It can be used daily for cooling comfort and relief from external dryness. It also works to soothe bikini-shaved skin, ease tampon insertion, prevent chafing, and increase pleasure during sex (we'll tell you how in a minute). This all-natural lubricant meets the same standards of luxury and efficacy as every skincare product on our top shelf. It's truly skincare for the vulva - another clean GK beauty product to adore and ritualize. 

Proper Vulvar Hygiene

OB-GYNs recommend cleaning the vulva daily with water to keep it healthy and happy and avoiding harsh chemicals and unnecessary ingredients like fragrances, dyes, SLS, and parabens, as they can seriously irritate the vulvar skin, leading to possible irritation or vaginal infections. (Lucky for you, our products don't contain any harmful or toxic ingredients because your health matters to us.) Soap is not necessary for good vulvar skin care, but if you prefer to use it, look for something pH-balanced. Gently pat the area dry to prevent irritation, and consider switching to naturally hypoallergenic 100% cotton underwear to allow for proper air circulation, and go commando while sleeping. (Cotton undies also help to prevent vaginal yeast infections, a fungus that loves moisture!)

Good, Clean Sex (With A Water Based Lubricant)

Sometimes, dry or inflamed vulvar skin can lead to discomfort during sex. If this is the case, we recommend using a water-based, fragrance-free intimate lubricant during sex to reduce friction and pain. We love this plush formula as it sinks into the skin, adding just the right amount of slip between bodies, without transferring to the sheets. And you can't argue with the clean ingredient lineup - this water-based lubricant passes our strict buying guideline with flying colours. (Friendly reminder: our skin is an organ, and products applied topically are absorbed through the skin.) Apply this rich, mess-free, intimate lubricant generously for solo or partner play.

Avoid Irritants For A Happy Vulva

You would hope there wouldn't be a ton of chemicals in pads and tampons, but conventional hygiene products are shown to contain measurable levels of a range of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including phthalates, phenols, parabens, and fragrances. Steer clear of scented feminine hygiene products, which can disrupt the natural pH balance of the vulva, and opt for fragrance-free period care. We love Joni's unscented, organic, and sustainable period care. Their chemical-free menstrual products use the highest quality compostable, organic, and biodegradable materials. Their bamboo pads are three times softer and more absorbent than cotton, and their 100% organic cotton tampons are seriously comfortable and super absorbent! Remember to change liners or pads often to avoid a moist environment. 

chemical-free menstrual products use the highest quality compostable, organic, and biodegradable materials. Tampon sizes

Ditch Douching 

Fondly referred to as a self-cleaning oven, the vagina maintains its cleanliness through a natural self-cleaning process involving the shedding of cells and the production of natural lubrication that helps flush out bacteria and other harmful substances. From puberty, the vagina becomes colonized with healthy bacteria (Lactobacillus) that maintain pH levels. This is done for you - without the need for external interventions like vaginal douching - so don't douche. It disrupts the good bacteria that keep things balanced and may cause the growth of 'bad' bacteria, which could lead to yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis (BV). Respect the vagina's self-cleansing abilities by supporting this natural process through proper hygiene practices.

Our Takeaway

Good vulvar health is easier than you think. Keeping this area clean, hydrated, and irritation-free is key to preventing discomfort and dryness. We believe every woman deserves comfort and confidence in her intimate well-being, and we're here to help you navigate 'down-there' care. If you have questions, reach out to your knowledgeable Green Kiss Educator today.


All copy found on The Green Kiss website is written for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.